Friday, July 29, 2011

Impoundment Dilemma: To Sell or Not to Sell Junk Cars

Amplify’d from
Do you live in an apartment complex? If so, you may have run into this problem that many people encounter when it comes to their clunkers parked around apartment complexes. The problem is, many of these apartment complexes tow vehicles for different reasons. Such reasons include, among others, flat tires, leaks, expired tags and abandonment of vehicles.

You’re not the only one who have unfortunately ended up shouldering the burden in such a situation. Many car owners actually call junk cars companies to buy their impounded cars. What’s the advantage here? Well, if your car is really old and is basically a scrap car or junk car, then it must already be of very little use to you. The apartment complex may even have a valid and serious reason why it had your vehicle towed. For instance, if toxic fluids are leaking from your vehicle, it may contaminate the surrounding area and affect people’s health—even your own health.

It may also be the case that your vehicle is a salvage car. That means it’s roadworthy but it has enough damage to make you consider twice and thrice about selling it to a junk car removal company. But ask yourself if the car is really worth keeping. If maintaining your frequently defective vehicle is costing you lots of money at the auto repair shop, it may be wise to let it go.
But the biggest reason why it’s a good idea to just sell your impounded vehicle is that impoundment fees can be very hefty. These may also add up fast and before you know it, paying up for your old clunker is utter foolishness. Plus, there’s the trouble of and charge for towing back your scrap car or salvage car to the same apartment complex that had it impounded.

So instead of losing a fortune over your vehicle that’s more trouble than useful equipment, why not just sell it to a company that buys cars for junk? Many of these companies can take care of everything in the transaction, even if you lost your title. Think very carefully. This may be your chance to get some big bucks and peace of mind.


1 comment:

  1. Selling impounded vehicle is a wise and practical idea, I would prefer to have the money exchanged from my salvage car rather seeing it junked at my backyard. And you're right, that might even open a chance to get some big bucks and peace of mind.

    Buy salvage vehicles
