The fact is, you can make a lot of cash for junk cars. Price ranges for junk cars can widely vary from one buyer to the next, however. And there are a lot of factors that can influence the price of a vehicle, such as the nature of the buyer’s business (e.g., whether it’s a small player or a nationwide junkyard company), the vehicle’s condition, and its year, make and model. Your geographical location also impacts the price of your scrap car.
It’s important to note that the demand for reclaimed metals and plastics has increased over the last two decades, increasing prices paid by junk car buyers. Generally though, you can expect a minimum of around $150 for a scrap car. Again, prices vary greatly among different buyers. But if your car is really valuable because of factors mentioned, you can even get thousands of dollars from a junkyard company that has nationwide operations.
Cash for junk cars didn’t used to be this big. In the past, you could expect just around $25 to $50 for a scrap car. Today, you could sell your junk car that doesn’t run at all for as much as $300! Junk cars are extremely valuable these days because most vehicle models manufactured in the last 20 years contain precious metals and alloys.
You could be sitting on a fortune and you don’t even know it. That big, old truck in your backyard that hasn’t run for years may just give you the money you need to buy that gorgeous SUV you’ve always wanted. Go ahead and contact a junk car buyer today.